Battles in Athletics

Sports are about being competitive and giving athletes the opportunity to show everyone watching their talents and gifts.  As well as, show camaraderie and teamwork.  Rivalries are talked about in athletics all the time.  But, the rivalry that stands out the most in the battle of the sexes.  Many women argue that they have been in the minority of the sport world for as long as athletic competitions have been around.  In 1972, a rule was passed, Title IX.  It stated that nobody could discriminate against anyone based on sex. Before the notion for Title IX, it was frowned upon when women would participate in sports.  Many people argued that women should just play the roles they have always played in the past.  An argument that is most common against women playing sports is "medical profession's notions of the inherent weaknesses mandated by females' anatomy and physiology", basically saying that women should just get married and have kids.  During this time men viewed sports as a way to show their spirit, self-confidence, quickness, courage and aggressiveness.  In fact, men compared the playing field to a battlefield.  Men were simply implying that they were soldiers going into battle when they stepped on the athletic field (Costa & Guthrie).  Title IX had a positive impact on the situation between men and woman in athletics but, in my opinion, the battle of the sexes will always be an issue.